
We had 35,000 visitors this Easter!

We had 35,000 visitors this Easter!

Thank you so much for your fantastic support! Our Zoo had no less than 35 190 visitors since Thursday 28th March until the Easter Monday.

The Easter celebrations in Zoo Zlín belong to the most busy days and this season was the very same. The attendance was the highest at Saturday when we had 10 356 visitors. We had managed the enormous five-day onrush without any major problems in the terms of parking in the close area and traffic service thanks to the close cooperation with the local transit company and the city police.

The beautiful spring weather made for a special benefit to the visit. „I want to thank every visitor for their support, we have put the maximum effort into preparing the zoological garden to secure the best visitor service available – we have set up eight box offices, strenghtened up service by the turnstiles, every restaurant in our grounds was running,“ claimed the director of Zoo Zlín, Roman Horský. He has also stated what a challenge it actually is to provide the perfect service for ten thousands or more of visitors. „The solution we can provide in such cases is found in our project Karibuni and also in increasing the number of parking lots,“ the director explained.

The enormous visitor’s interest during the Easter affected the traffic condition. „Although we have 1 800 parking spots available, what is the highest amount in the history of Czech Zoo’s, it may take some time for a spot to clear out.  I would love to thank the Transit Service Zlín-Otrokovice for reinforcing their transits during Easter, which were widely used by local habitants as statistics show. Special thanks also go to the Zlín’s city police and to all of the police officers. Their help is during the days with the highest visitor count the key to managing the attendance,“ Roman Dvorský highlighted the long-term cooperation. His words have proven during Saturday, when a traffic accident collapsed one of the entry routes to the Zoo.

2.04. Sdílet článek

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