
First African elephant calf in the Czech Republic

First African elephant calf in the Czech Republic

The biggest breeding success in more than 70 years history of Zlin Zoo - the first African elephant calf in the Czech Republic!

6th July 2021 changed the historical charts of breeding African elephants not only in the Zlín Zoo, but in the Czech Republic as well. On this day, female Kali gave birth to healthy and lively baby boy, first African elephant calf in the Czech Republic.

Our little boy immediately became a celebrity, House of Elephants and the enclosure became the most visited part of the Zlín Zoo. This time we let the zookeepers to choose the name for the calf. We agreed that after so many years of work, effort, care and worries they deserved it. They chose name “Zyqarri” that mean “Angel”.

The male is very curious and day by day he is braver, smarter and more capable. He wants to be everywhere and imitates the grown-up females. Zookeepers say that he will be great elephant personality. We believe that meeting the first African elephant calf in the Czech Republic will be beautiful experience for you. So let’s visit and see our miracle!

Zyqqari - the first birthday celebration


19.07. Sdílet článek

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