The Asian section of Zlín Zoo is a beautiful and charming area of the grounds, with many places inviting you to stop and have some rest. Having a seat in a walk-through aviary or under a shelter by the tiger exhibit retains a unique impression of a close encounter with animals that lingers on.
The exotic atmosphere is highlighted by a number of original features, whether it involves Nepalese prayer bells, flags of happiness, Buddha statues, bamboo wind chimes, stone pagodas, or settings of a Japanese garden.
Year opened: 2013
This facility displaying Malayan tapirs and Silvery gibbon belongs to the best of such a kind within the European zoo community, at least when referring to its section for tapirs.
Unique not only in terms of size, but also the concept. The area offers the tapirs more than just the indoor quarters with a pool and the two large outdoor enclosures - a real landmark is the local natural lake that with its area of 300 square metres is the largest body of water found in tapir exhibits in zoos across Europe. The display is now a new home for a pair of Malayan tapirs - female Nadira and male Baru. HALA-BALA also presents Silvery gibbons. There are inner quarters and a large outdoor enclosure, which is part of the lake mentioned above.
The name of the exhibit adds flair to this place. While for Czech guests, the name may sound a little bit odd - "hala-bala" translates as "mishmash" - it certainly does not refer to the way the display was designed. Surprisingly, it is the name of the real nature reserve in southern Thailand - a site that forms one of the last natural areas in the country where anyone can still observe Malayan tapirs along with gibbons.
Year opened: 2011
Truly a counterpart of the alpine environment that red pandas range in the wild, i.e. the foothills of the Himalayas, this exhibit's landmark are massive limestones of which there are about 70 tonnes distributed and set around the enclosure and nearby. The rugged terrain includes pine deadfalls available for the animals with two simple wooden cavities placed on these. The objects are in use by the animals particularly in winter. In addition, the pandas can climb to the top of the mature beech-tree that is part of the enclosure.
Adding to the impressive atmosphere of the display is a very special place dedicated to Buddhism. Items to discover here include traditional prayer wheels, Tibetan prayer flags and a meditation corner with a statue of Buddha. The life of the animals is explained through large size Asian-style signage, while other educational elements offer information about Buddhism and the mentioned artifacts originating from Tibet.
Year opened: 2001
This spacious natural display presents the largest feline world in its standard habitat. Artificial rocks with a waterfall and small stream bring about the scent of "wilderness", in addition to the dense vegetation. You know that tigers are large creatures and their hair looks very distinct, but with such diverse settings, the tiger female Tanja is very easy to miss. So being patient and carefully checking the entire site may be worthwhile. In doing so, you may even be happy to make use of the elevated wooden viewing platform.
Year of opening: 2001
Zigzag road which leads through the walk-through aviary will offer you an unforgettable experience in the kingdom of asian feathered creatures. Bubbling stream, lakes with water lilies and waterfall complete the wild and magical atmosphere of the aviary. Natural flora offers the inhabitants of the aviary ideal conditions for nesting.
Inside the aviary, you will be able to observe a number of asian birds. The rarest inhabitant of the aviary is the painted stork, who can be found across european zoos very rarely and overall is one of the endangered species. The most noticeable inhabitants are the euroasian oystercatchers, but do not overlook the white-winged duck as well.
WARNING: Entering the walk-through and interactive expositions in Zoo Zlín is at your own risk.
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