Other services

Wifi free

Use our free wifi during your stay. You can find it at the main and seasonal entrace and at the Tyrol restaurant.

Storage boxes

There are storage boxes available for visitors' luggage. Found at the main gate, they can be operated upon inserting a 10 CZK coin, which the mechanism returns after re-opening the box.

Parking your bicycle

There is a facility available for parking your bike. It is found near the main entrance. Please note that the area is not being locked and is freely accessible. For this reason, it is necessary that every visitor secures their bicycle before leaving. Zlín Zoo shall not be liable for any loss or damage to property located here.

Changing tables for babies

Available inside the public toilets at the Tyrol, Neapolitáno and Farma u Koaly restaurants

Services for disabled visitors

There are passable and properly marked paths for disabled citizens throughout the grounds. Wheelchair access is provided at all animal houses and exhibits, as well as at Lešná Chateau (using a platform designated as such). Public toilets are also adjusted to meet the needs of guests with disabilities.

Borrowing a stroller

Strollers are available from the souvenir shop near the high-season gate (borrowing possible only from April to October).
Fees: 50 CZK/day + refundable deposit of 500 CZK.

Borrowing a cart (seniors)

A mechanical cart can be borrowed from the souvenir shop at the high-season gate; from November to March, the carts are available from the souvenir shop by the main gate.
Fees: refundable deposit of 500 CZK.

Lost-and-found items

The main gate building serves as the collection point for lost-and-found items. The phone 577 577 134 is available for you to check whether your lost item has been found.