Red pandas

Year opened: 2011

Truly a counterpart of the alpine environment that red pandas range in the wild, i.e. the foothills of the Himalayas, this exhibit's landmark are massive limestones of which there are about 70 tonnes distributed and set around the enclosure and nearby. The rugged terrain includes pine deadfalls available for the animals with two simple wooden cavities placed on these. The objects are in use by the animals particularly in winter. In addition, the pandas can climb to the top of the mature beech-tree that is part of the enclosure.

Adding to the impressive atmosphere of the display is a very special place dedicated to Buddhism. Items to discover here include traditional prayer wheels, Tibetan prayer flags and a meditation corner with a statue of Buddha. The life of the animals is explained through large size Asian-style signage, while other educational elements offer information about Buddhism and the mentioned artifacts originating from Tibet.